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Niger River



Irrigation is the single biggest transformation possible for residents of the Niger River basin - present efforts are accomplished by hand - bucket by bucket or in a few locations, water is pumped via expensive gasoline engines,  We will crowdsource ideas on how to manufacture devices locally - such as a spiral water pump - powered by a water-wheel, or local pump manufacturing using imported solar panels. 


Irrigating the farms and villages along the niger is the single biggest transformational action to change the dynamics and improve the quality of life for the inhabitants.

This Area

This area will contain biographical information, photo, and contact information for the project manager focused on this topic. He/she will be the subject matter expert focusing our activities and providing options for advancing our goals and interest.

"This war does not have to end badly"

Niger River Laboratory

Focus Areas 1 - 5




Irrigation is the single biggest transformation possible for residents fo the Niger River basin - present efforts are accomplished by hand - bucket by bucket. 

Water is pumped via expensive gasoline engines. 

We will crowdsource ideas on how to manufacture devices locally (spiral water pump, powered by a water wheel, or a local pump powered by imported solar panels).

Focus area
Focus 1


Soil Conditioning &

Crop Selection

The soil along the Niger River has been depleted of nutrients and importing chemical fertilizers is impracticable due to the cost and eventual damage to the environment. There is no use of composting and crop selection is extremely limited. Traditional medicines, cosmetics, and superfoods (moringa)

do grow well here. We will fix the soil and grow the plants!

Focus 2


Solar Power &

Solar Cooking

Solar is ideal for the Niger River basin due to the proximity to the equator - 

Power, Light, Pumping of water, etc.

Focus 3


Urban Development

With the war in the North and now encroaching on the center of Mali has stretched the urban communities resources, in areas of sanitation, access to clean water and more.

Focus 4


Health & Wellness

We have developed a prototype of a solar powered mosquito trap. We will develop a solar-powered backpack for local health care workers.

Focus 5
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Niger River


Niger River Laboratory Niamey Bamako and Washington DC 202-230-9706

©2019 Niger River Laboratory.

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